Rain Is on the Way
God Himself says He is coming to us as rain (Hosea 6:3). Not just as rain, but specifically as the former and the latter rain.
What is the former and latter rain? In natural terms, the Israelites knew the former rain as the fall rain that prepared the soil for planting, and the latter rain as the spring rain that moisturized the soil to bring forth a good harvest.
In spiritual terms, the former and latter rains represent the move of God’s Spirit under the Old and New Covenants.
The Bible calls the former, Old Covenant rain of the Spirit, a “moderate” rain. Under that covenant, people would go hundreds of years without hearing the voice of God in the earth and without seeing someone anointed of the Holy Ghost. If there was anyone in the land who was anointed with the Spirit of the living God, it would be some prayer warriors somewhere who didn’t draw much attention to themselves so people didn’t see them.
Eventually, however, a little rain would fall. Then, a prophet of God, a great priest or king would be raised up in the land. The Spirit of God would be upon that person and the Anointing and miracles of God would flow through them. If you could get under the ministry of such a person, you could be healed, have your needs met supernaturally and hear the voice of God.
To understand how powerful even that “moderate” rain was, you have to realize that even Jesus’ ministry was under the Old Covenant. He was the Lamb of God sacrificed under the Old Abrahamic Covenant. So, as powerful as the ministry of Jesus was, it did not show the fullness of the rain of the Holy Spirit.
He said it didn’t! Just before He went to the Cross, He told His disciples, “He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father” (John 14:12).
How could Jesus say such an astounding thing? He knew the latter rain was on the way!
Speak the Word
« I expect the Anointing and the miracle power of Jesus to flow through me because Jesus sent the latter rain of the Holy Spirit when He returned to the Father. » (John 14:12)
Scripture Study: Hosea 6:1-3
© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved.
© 1997 Shalom-Verlag. Autorisierte Übersetzung der englischen Ausgabe. Diese Übersetzung wird veröffentlicht und verkauft mit Erlaubnis von Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc./Kenneth Copeland Ministries, dem Inhaber aller Rechte zur Veröffentlichung und zum Verkauf dieses Werkes.