septembre 08

More Than a History Book

Gloria Copeland
You shall meditate on it [the Word] day and night.

When you meditate on God’s Word, you’re going to do more than just read it. You’re going to take it into your heart in a very personal way and apply it to your situation.

When you read a scripture about the blessing of prosperity, for example, you won’t think, Hey, that sounds nice, but I could never have it. Instead, you’ll apply it to yourself and say, “Hallelujah! That’s God’s Word to me. He says He’ll meet my needs liberally, according to His riches in Glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19), and I’m expecting Him to do that in my situation!”

If you’ve been reading the Bible like a history book, make a change and begin to see it as though God is talking directly to you. Take time to meditate on it. Think about it. Digest it. Take it so personally that it moves from your head to your heart. Then it will become powerful and active in your life.

Speak the Word

I meditate on God’s Word day and night. I observe to do it and I have good success! (Joshua 1:8)

Lecture conseillée: Psalm 119:73-80

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