March 27

He Wants to Hear You!

Gloria Copeland
Is any among you afflicted [or in trouble]? let him pray.

It’s wonderful to have a good pastor, and it’s wonderful to know people who can pray with power—and I certainly do ask for prayer from others occasionally—but it’s a believer’s own prayers that are most important.

James 5:13 doesn’t say, “If anyone is in trouble, he should ask his pastor to pray.” No, it says if there is trouble in your life, you need to pray.

            That’s because prayer is more than just asking for something. When you pray, you fellowship with your Father. You talk to Him. He talks to you. That interaction strengthens you.

            I was reminded of that at a family gathering once. One of our family members had gone home to be with the Lord unexpectedly and it was a challenging time. After we had shared together and praised the Lord, one of my cousins said, “It just strengthens my faith to be around this family.”

            I knew exactly what she meant. I know people who are more mature in faith, and have been walking with the Lord longer than I have. And when I fellowship with those people, it makes me stronger too.

            As I thought about that, it struck me. If a person who is full of faith can strengthen me, how much more does it strengthen me to fellowship with God Himself every day in prayer? Think about that!

            You have the privilege any time, day or night, to draw near to God and come into His presence. You can keep a running dialogue going with the Lord all day long. You can continually be drawing strength from the Author and Finisher of your faith.

            He is always ready to listen and respond to you. It’s perfectly fine to have your pastor or other mature believers pray. But it’s more important that you pray…that you have the intimate fellowship with your Father. Call on Him. He is always available and He’s waiting to hear from you!

Speak the word

When I am afflicted or in trouble, I pray.  The Lord delivers me out of all my affliction.  (James 5:13;  Psalm 34:19)

Scripture Study: 1 John 5:13-15

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved.
© 1997 Shalom-Verlag. Autorisierte Übersetzung der englischen Ausgabe. Diese Übersetzung wird veröffentlicht und verkauft mit Erlaubnis von Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc./Kenneth Copeland Ministries, dem Inhaber aller Rechte zur Veröffentlichung und zum Verkauf dieses Werkes.

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