Brother Copeland’s Testimony on Partnership

« I’ll never forget the first time I understood this [the power of covenant partnership]. I was a student at Oral Roberts University, just getting started in ministry. I was working for Brother Roberts as co-pilot on his airplane and I’d flown him to a meeting in Georgia.

He preached on the principle of partnership and at the end of the service he invited the people to become partners in his ministry.

Thrilled at the opportunity to become a partner, I filled out the partnership envelope. I didn’t have any money. (I don’t mean I didn’t have any money with me, I mean I didn’t have any money, at all. None.) But I put the little pencil they’d given us inside the envelope and said, “LORD, this represents my $10 partner offering.

After the meeting I started to leave and a woman in the congregation hollered at me. (This was Georgia, remember. So, yes, she did holler.) “Hey you!” she said. “The Lord has been worrywarting me this whole meeting to give you $10.

“God bless you, lady!” I said, and grabbing the money I chased down the usher. He gave me my envelope back and I replaced the pencil with my $10. I was so excited I could hardly stand it. Praise God! I said to myself. I’m a partner with Oral Roberts! »

-Kenneth Copeland’s testimony on Partnership