August 04

You Can Do It All

Kenneth Copeland
The manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.

When Jesus asked, “Whom say ye that I am?” Peter blurted out, “Thou art the Christ [the Anointed One], the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:15-16).

Peter, perhaps better than anyone, knew what that anointing could do. As a fisherman, he’d seen Jesus draw every fish in the river of Galilee around his boat. Even though Peter had fished all the night before without catching a thing, when Jesus stepped on board, he finished the day with a net-breaking, boat-sinking load!

Peter had watched Jesus feed thousands with just a few loaves and fishes. He’d seen Him heal multitudes and deliver them from demonic oppression. Peter had pulled money for taxes from a fish’s mouth at Jesus’ instruction. He’d walked on water at Jesus’ word.

Peter knew why Jesus could do those things—He had the Anointing of God on Him. He had the burden-removing, yoke-destroying, world-changing, devil-chasing, healing, delivering, explosive, supernatural, universe-creating power of the Holy Spirit flowing through His flesh, enabling Him to do what flesh cannot do!

So when Peter heard Jesus say, “You will be baptized with the Holy Ghost and receive power to be My witnesses” (Acts 1:5, 8), he knew what Jesus was talking about…My God, we’ve got it! We’ve got that anointing. The power that was on Jesus is on me now! The fish will come to my boat now! I’ll be able to walk on the water if I have to, to get this gospel out!

That had to be what Peter was thinking. He didn’t know anything else. He’d never been to seminary. There were no theologians to calm him down and tell him God’s miracle-working power had passed away. All he knew was, Jesus is the Anointed of God, the Son of the living God, and His Anointing is on us!

In light of that, why are believers today not as excited about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit? Why, instead of charging out into the world and turning it upside down with the power of God like those first disciples did, do most modern-day believers do little more with the anointing than talk in tongues now and then?

Because we have a limited revelation of what can actually happen when the Anointing of Jesus operates through us. That needs to change. The fact is, there is an anointing through Jesus by the Holy Spirit, that the Father has sent in His Name, to do any and every righteous act on the face of this earth, by any person who knows Him as Lord. And that includes you. You are anointed to do all that Peter imagined and more. You are anointed to do all that you dream. You are anointed to be mighty, to be world-overcoming, to change the world you live in today. You can do it all!

Speak the Word

The manifestation of the Spirit is given to me for my profit. (1 Corinthians 12:7)

Scripture Study: Matthew 16:13-19

© 1991 Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc. aka: Kenneth Copeland Publications All rights reserved.
© 1997 Shalom-Verlag. Autorisierte Übersetzung der englischen Ausgabe. Diese Übersetzung wird veröffentlicht und verkauft mit Erlaubnis von Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc./Kenneth Copeland Ministries, dem Inhaber aller Rechte zur Veröffentlichung und zum Verkauf dieses Werkes.

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